Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 24 Sep 97 09:20:29 -0800

>> Subject:       Re: [AMPS] CENTURION FIXED TNX ALL
>> Date:          Tue, 23 Sep 97 03:13:44 +0000
>> A lightning strike usually damages the HV electrolytic filter capacitors. 
>Nonsense. Every bit of energy making it to the electrolytics very 
>LOW impedance must go through the diodes. ... ...

-  Agreed.  And what do the diodes connect to, Mr. Rauch?

>The diodes are much less 
>able to absorb transient energy than the large electrolytics.
Typical diode strings have a 50% to 150% safety factor.   According to my 
tests,  450WVDC-rated electrolytic capacitors are in Very serious trouble 
at 25% over-voltage.   

It does not seem likely to me that a lightning strike could: 1.   destroy 
the HV transformer. - - 2.   destroy the diodes - - ... and yet not 
damage the HV electrolytic filter capacitors.  OTOH, I have heard of a 
number of cases where a HV arc somehow managed to do the hat trick. 

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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