[AMPS] schematics for linear amps

Karl-Heinz Merscher Karl-Heinz.Merscher@stud.uni-bayreuth.de
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 15:08:24 GMT +1

Hello to the high power community:

are there any schematics on the WWW for building linear amps? I 
already tried to get them via search engines without success. Maybe 
they are hidden, Hi Hi.

Who can recommend a good book especially for building linears?
Is there a standard book available? I know that a lot of information 
is in several ARRL handbook (older issues) which are hard to get ...
I'm looking for a real beginner project.

Look forward to receive some information.
Thanks in advance!

73's de DL6RDE/AA1KD, Charlie

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