[AMPS] Grid Swamping resistor for 4CX250B

Walter Dail dail@CEBAF.GOV
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 09:36:55 -0400

Hello All,
  I have a question regarding using a grid swamping resistor
on a tetrode amp. I have been building a twin cavity amp for 
432 Mhz using a 4CX250B tube. I understand that instead of 
neutralizing a grid driven amp a grid swamping resistor may be used. 
These are found in all the handbooks, etc. showing 2m amp
schematics. However, in the 1985 ARRL Handbook, page 32-8,
"A Tetrode UHF Amplifier" it does not show such a resistor
in the input compartment. They are using 10W drive also.
But I noticed in the grid PS they have a 100 ohm 2W resistor in the 
line that feeds the grid bias. Is this what they are using? What gives?
Is the Handbook wrong and a grid swamping resistor should be added?

Comments please,
Walter Dail -KT4JA

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