[AMPS] schematics for linear amps

Nemecek, Joseph F. Joseph.F.Nemecek@twa.com
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 09:12:56 -0500

I might suggest you check out the swap tables at Dayton or other
hamfests. You can pick up tubes, sockets, chimneys and other parts at
pretty good prices. The Yellow Sheets are another good place to find
parts. If you're thinking of buying a lot of what you need new it can
get pretty expensive and I would suggest getting a used amplifier. I
think I saw a "high-power" home built amp advertised in the Yellow
Sheets that just came out for $300.00 by a K?4? An amp of this type
might take some work but it will be a lot cheaper than buying everything
from scratch--even if you just use it for parts and build your own.
Hope this helps,

>From: 	Karl-Heinz Merscher[SMTP:Karl-Heinz.Merscher@stud.uni-bayreuth.de]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, September 30, 1997 10:28 AM
>To: 	Nemecek, Joseph F.
>Cc: 	amps@contesting.com
>Subject: 	RE: [AMPS] schematics for linear amps
>> Let us know what type (and quanity) of tubes you want to use, Charlie
>> and I'm sure the group can point you in the right direction. Good luck.
>> Joe, K0JN
>Hi Joe and the rest,
>that's a good question?? I checked the Svetlana page at 
>http://www.svetlana.com and I found some very interesting tubes.
>The tubes should be relativly cheap for a beginner project. I don't 
>want to loose a lot of money due to inexperience.
>That would mean a lot of frustration ...
>I'm aware that  linear building is 
>probably not an easy project especially it can  be very dangerous due 
>to high voltage. On the other hand there is the high price of buying 
>commercial  linears ...
>Thank's for your help Joe!
>Charlie, DL6RDE/AA1KD
>> >----------
>> >From: 	Karl-Heinz Merscher[SMTP:Karl-Heinz.Merscher@stud.uni-bayreuth.de]
>> >Sent: 	Tuesday, September 30, 1997 10:08 AM
>> >To: 	amps@contesting.com
>> >Subject: 	[AMPS] schematics for linear amps
>> >
>> >Hello to the high power community:
>> >
>> >are there any schematics on the WWW for building linear amps? I 
>> >already tried to get them via search engines without success. Maybe 
>> >they are hidden, Hi Hi.
>> >
>> >Who can recommend a good book especially for building linears?
>> >Is there a standard book available? I know that a lot of information 
>> >is in several ARRL handbook (older issues) which are hard to get ...
>> >I'm looking for a real beginner project.
>> >
>> >Look forward to receive some information.
>> >Thanks in advance!
>> >
>> >73's de DL6RDE/AA1KD, Charlie

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