[AMPS] SB-220 = SB-221 ?
Fri, 3 Apr 1998 08:57:28 EST
In a message dated 4/3/98 4:11:02 AM Central Standard Time, sm3mxr@swipnet.se
<< Hello all
I have a HEATHKIT SB-220 and is offered an SB-221. I GUESS they are alot
the same (2x3-500Z). I haven't seen it yet and want to know if there is
a big difference between the two?
Can someone inform me?
73 /// Einar /// sm3mxr@swipnet.se
The SB-221 is identical to the SB-220 except that it does not include the 10
meter ham band. The change resulted from an FCC ruling which made it illegal
to sell an amplifier with 10 meters on it. Most SB-221 owners modified the
amp back to an SB-220 using a kit of parts which was available from Heathkit.
All things being equal, I'd keep the SB-220.
Chris, KF0FX
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