[AMPS] SB-220 = SB-221 ?

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 03 Apr 1998 09:18:04 EST

On Fri,  3 Apr 98 11:19:05 PST Einar Persson <sm3mxr@swipnet.se> writes:
>Hello all
>I have a HEATHKIT SB-220 and is offered an SB-221. I GUESS they are 
>the same (2x3-500Z). I haven't seen it yet and want to know if there 
>a big difference between the two?
>Can someone inform me?
>73 /// Einar /// sm3mxr@swipnet.se

Einar;  that is an oft asked question.

The SB-221 was shipped in the USA without 10M capability. In order to
upgrade you had to send Heath a copy of your ham license and then they
would send the parts. 
The upgrade included a new output switch wafer, a 10M input coil and
instructions to remove the input low pass filter. Very simple if you had
not already built the amp.
I am not sure about export versions; it probably depends upon how they
got overseas.

The 221 also has a wider spaced Tune cap, 130pf grid capacitors and a few
other minor changes.

73  Carl  KM1H

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