[AMPS] Quality ink pen as dial/general marker.

Skip S Isaham nospam4me@juno.com
Sat, 04 Apr 1998 12:53:04 EST

Hello all,
In regards to a previous post about dial markers. I've found an excellent
permanent marker with an ultra fine point which IMO lays the best free
hand ink.
A quick trip to the Stationary store to ask for a Pilot pen, model SCA-UF
(it's black in color)
It's well worth the money, the ink writes on about anything and is simple
to use. I need acetone to get it off. The ink stands up well to heat vs
the generic sharpie type.
Smooth painted metal is no problem.
Forget the sharpie, this model is far better quality and works well.
Worth checking out if you have requirements for a serious marker to use
in your amplifier and/or general electronics work.


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