[AMPS] SB-221 on the warc bands?

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 07 Apr 1998 18:30:02 EDT

On Tue, 7 Apr 1998 13:22:40 +0200 "Will  KN6DV" <kn6dv@contesting.com>
>Is it possible to use the SB-221 on 12-17 and  30 with out any mods. 
>reduced power)?
>Thanks 73 Will K6NDV (KN6DV)

It will work fine as-is on 17M with the switch in the 15M position. Dont
listen to hogwash about CB filters, etc...they are in effect on 12 and
10M only. Since the Pi-Net is far from ideal, operate in the CW switch
position only ...SSB or CW ...and keep the output down around 700-800W.
The bandswitch switch will love you.

In order to operate an un-modified 221 on 10, 12 or CB it requires new
switch wafers, a 10M input coil, filter removal...and generally a real
pain in the ass to do. Once done operate 12M at the same reduced output
as 17M.

Operation on 30M is possible but again at reduced output. The 20M input
network is rather lossy at 10MHz.  QRO seems to be all the rage on 30M so
why be left out? Much of the world has QRO priviledges on 30M anyway so
who really gives a hoot about a few extra dB?

73  Carl  KM1H

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