[AMPS] Data Sheets?

W7CW Jay E Ostrem wc7m@vcn.com
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 18:43:41 +0100

Hello fella's

I have a point of confusion.

I have been told that the 3cx15000b7 and the YC-156, share similar data
constant current characteristics.   I have the constant current graphs for
both tubes, and they are obviously different. Here is the confusion, I have
been told that the curves do not change for pulse vs regular service,  then
I am told that pulse service results in an entirely different curve.(I do
realize that the pulse data is carried out to much higher plate current
curves due to the type of service)  

Any comments? 
                              73 Jay W7CW

                                 1AB Ranch
                                 Gillette, Wyoming

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