[AMPS] Any *Good* Amps?

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 07:03:42 EDT

On Wed, 15 Apr 1998 21:50:05 +0000 "Scott Babb" <sbabb@pop.tiac.net>
>Are there any "good" amps out there?
>Like a good doo-bee, I've read through the AMPS archives looking
>for info on amps that might meet my needs.  It seems that every
>amp I've considered has at least a few of the AMPS experts
>talking about the various evils of that amp.  Either it has a
>problem with VHF parasitics, or it uses tubes that cost more than
>the amp is worth, or it won't behave with a solid-state rig unless
>you sacrifice a goat every full moon, or *something* is wrong.
>I'm new to contesting and amps, and I'm looking for something
>inexpensive (50 cents/watt or less) that will do the following:
>1.  Work 160-10 meters.  WARC DXing would be nice, too.
>2.  Have tubes that can be replaced without taking a bank loan.
>3.  Put out at least 500W CW and 750W SSB.  1kW+ would be nice.
>4.  Work well enough for contesting and DXing, including RTTY.
>5.  Behave nicely with a solid-state rig (IC-751A.)
>Is that too much to ask?  I've considered the Dentron Clipperton L

Here are a few ideas Scott along with average prices:

Clipperton L:   Majority do not have a tuned input. A few simple mods and
it works fine on WARC's and 160M. $400
AL80A/SB-1000:   Eats bandswitches when underloaded, otherwise fine...no
parasitics. $600
Amp Supply LK450: Similar to AL80 but better bandswitch. $450
Drake L-7:   Covers 9 Bands just fine. Wimpy PS otherwise a real
workhorse. $750
Amp Supply LK-500ZC: The ZC the last and best of the series. No
particular problems and good components. $750
MLA2500: Find one with good tubes and dont worry about it. At 1300-1400W
there are no weak points. $500
Yaesu FL-2100F:  Kind of scarce. Needs a $4 bias mod to use Russian or
Chinese 572B's.  $450
Kenwood TL-922: A few cheap improvements and it runs forever.  $950
Alpha:  Almost any of the 8874 versions. Change plate choke for 12M.

I probably missed a few that are favored by others.

Have fun   Carl   KM1H

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