km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 17:04:25 EDT

On Thu, 16 Apr 98 10:49:45 -0500 Jon Ogden <jono@webspun.com> writes:

>Excuse me if I am dense,

Possibly OR you didnt bother reading the original post Jon.

 but how can operator error produce an arc?  

Wrong antenna is a classic way to a path of destruction.

>the amp is completely stable and bullet proof to begin with and no 
>components are damaged, how did the arc begin?  Sure operator error 
>have damaged another component and that failure caused the arc. That 
>component would need to be replaced as well as the cap.

I fail to follow your reasoning...it is certainly not logical.  In this
case the capacitor was the weakest link and failed first. Otherwise it
could have been the bandswitch or even a tube if it was one of those
fussy ceramic ones.

>I'd definitely follow AG6K's advice and check the parasitic supressor 
>resistor resistance.

Pure horse s..t  The capacitor arcing has limited the RF current and I
also HIGHLY DOUBT if any other component is damaged. Since the amp is
still putting out some RF that pretty much covers that issue...a shorted
tube would be quite evident.  The only other possibility is pecker tracks
on the bandswitch.

Jon, I realize you are an EE but have you ever seriously  used or built a
high power HF tube amp before? Or is the 4-1000A project the first? The
reason I ask is that anyone with some real world experience has done at
least a few stupid things to his amp and has suffered the consequences
and is probably saying "yep, been there done that".
I fail to see why this thread is progressing up to La-Laa land and
parasitics again.

I suggest letting the Centurion owner file or replace the plates and then
let US know what results...not going off into some endless loop
perpetuated by magic or lack of information.

73  Carl  KM1H


>Jon Ogden
>"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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