km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 07:56:36 EDT

On Thu, 16 Apr 98 22:23:49 -0500 Jon Ogden <jono@webspun.com> writes:

>What I am saying is  how do you know the capacitor was the weakest 

Do I know it absolutely?  No, but after living with amp repair for years
you get a feel for problems.

>Maybe it is, but perhaps it is a secondary cause.  I don't know what 
>happened to the amp and just cause the cap is arcing does not mean 
>the only thing that is wrong.  Maybe it is and maybe it isn't.  
>your experience has shown otherwise and my assumption is wrong.  Ok, 
>fine.  But if it were me, I would check probably every other component 
>the output to make sure no damage was done to them either regardless 
>which component failed first.

That was implied at the very beginning.

>Maybe.  However, it is a very SIMPLE thing to disconnect one end of 
>resistor and measure it's resistance.  Maybe it isn't blown but 
>its value has changed over time due to heating, age, etc. 

Anything is possible but common sense based upon the description of the
cockpit error makes it highly improbable. I would still urge anyone with
an amp that uses a single 2W carbon composition to pick up a 5W metal
oxide from Mouser, etc.  Cheap insurance.

>>Jon, I realize you are an EE but have you ever seriously  used or 
>built a
>>high power HF tube amp before? Or is the 4-1000A project the first? 
>>reason I ask is that anyone with some real world experience has done 
>>least a few stupid things to his amp and has suffered the 
>>and is probably saying "yep, been there done that".
>No...The 4-1000A IS my first HF tube amp project.  That's why I look 
>such an idiot as I stumble through it.

Well, you will certainly have ur hands full....the 4-1000A can be a real
parasitic nightmare to the uninitiated. It certainly would not be my
first choice in amp building.

  I have built numerous 
>at 800 to 1500 MHz and have worked on amplifiers at 6 GHz.

Good!  I'll come to you for help when I'm ready to build some QRO for
1.2GHz and above. Do you have any experience with 2 tube 3CX100A5/7289
designs for 1.2 or 2.3 GHz?

>>I fail to see why this thread is progressing up to La-Laa land and
>>parasitics again.
>>I suggest letting the Centurion owner file or replace the plates and 
>>let US know what results...not going off into some endless loop
>>perpetuated by magic or lack of information.

>Carl, I don't doubt that you are probably correct in your assesment of 
>the situation.  Cetainly, you have a heck of a lot more experience 
>than I 
>and I know I could learn a lot from you.  I appreciate what I have 
>learned.  At the same time, don't discount the theories of others on 
>things too.

You should realize by now that I rarely discount anything; but sometimes
I get a bit bored reading the same line of BS as the sole cause of amp
Listen to guys like Dick Erhorn, John Brosnahan and other pros and you
wont get sidetracked off into junk science.

73  Carl  KM1H

>Jon Ogden
>"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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