[AMPS] Re:

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 17:25:47 EDT

On Fri, 17 Apr 1998 13:15:23 -0600 John Lyles <jtml@lanl.gov> writes:
>While we're on the parasitic subject (sorry to pump the ol' 
>oscillators out
>I once had a disagreement with a competent RF designer of many years
>experience, who made big RF dielectric heaters using TPTG 
>about parasites. He insisted that the oscillator could not have a 
>simultaneously and still work on the designed frequency. I said it 
>that it could be simultaneously be making "non-harmonic" energy that 
>break things, or created uneven heating and hot spots. Also arcs 
>around the
>tube and output electrodes. Does anyone have evidence to refute such
>advice? That an oscillator can, by nature, only work on one frequency 
>at a

That is a very interesting question John and I would expect to see a wide
variety of replies.

I have never operated a QRO RF oscillator but have picked up many for
parts or conversion. These go from single 4-400A's up to 14KW water
cooled triodes. Not one has ever had a parasitic suppressor. Is there a
reason for this? Many/most were built by well known and competent
commercial companies...not some off the wall amateur garage operation.

73  Carl  KM1H

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