Richard W. Ehrhorn w4eto@rmii.com
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 16:04:47 -0600

Hi Carl & everyone...

It isn't nearly as bad today, but 20-25 years ago many were the ALPHA 76 
series amps in for service that we doused inside and out with Formula 709, 
then watched the brownish-yellow syrup running down all the surfaces. 
Second step was a trip to the do-it-yourself  car wash (sans xfmr!) for a 
thorough high pressure cleaning with soapy water, a clean water rinse, and 
a few hours' drying in the sun. Never failed to do the job.

One ALPHA 374 owner (an unmarried engineer down N'orleans way) had his amp 
on a shelf over the stove in his mobile home. Evidently fried bacon & eggs 
every morning. Add a thick layer of grease on EVERYTHING to tobacco smoke & 
dust... what a goo! And believe it or not, I don't think the amp came in 
for service because of arcing!

73,    Dick

You earlier sent...

-----Original Message-----
From:	km1h @ juno.com [SMTP:km1h@juno.com]
Sent:	Friday, April 17, 1998 2:06 PM
To:	amps@contesting.com


Dick, thanks for your comments.

I earlier mentioned to Jon and others privately that a dirty amp is an
accident looking for a place to happen. I'm sure that in your business
you have looked at and shook your head at some of the stuff that has come
in for repair...and often by irate customers who dont have a clue about
PM, cleanliness, etc.
A vacuum cleaner is a valuable accessory in any ham shack...and so is a
no nicotine enviroment...or at least cleaning chimneys and tubes

73  Carl   KM1H

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