[AMPS] Tetris Cube

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 18:00:55 EDT

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998 17:45:06 -0400 af2c@njdxa.org writes:
>Is there someone out there who has taken notes or possesses 
>information on
>how to get to the inner guts of the old Henry 2-K?????
>I have never worked on one of these old beasts and it would sure save 
>me a
>great deal of time and energy if some kind soul out there owns, has 
>and has access to notes on how to dig into the unit.
>I will gladly pay for any copies of the notes.  Henry DOES NOT have 
>the info!
>Thanks in advance.

Just remove every screw that you can find, and dont forget the ones in
the dark corners.  That is a real pain in the butt amp to get inside of. 
And if you have to replace the sockets there is even more work!
GL  Carl   KM1H

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