Tue, 21 Apr 1998 10:42:10 EDT
On Tue, 21 Apr 1998 03:18:23 +0100 w7iuv@axtek.com (Larry Molitor)
>>One setup I have used that works well is two caps side by side, 100pf
>>10-20M and a 250pf or more for 40-160M. It requires an extra switch
>>but I can still find switches at fleamarkets. Small Parts Co. has
>>nice sprockets and bead chains for driving the caps.
>Good idea. I always used a dual cap and took some plates off one
>>GL Carl KM1H
>Larry - W7IUV
Take a look at the recent Handbooks for one idea of modifying one of the
OEP/Ameritron caps. It is in the 3-500Z amp section.
I took a different approach and redesigned the cap for a lower minimum C
in the small section. Sold them for several years. Look at the photos of
the Commander 2500; you will see that they use that design and buy them
from OEP.
I also have a number of brand new Cardwell dual caps built for Alpha.
They are 8-55 and 15-220pf at .075" spacing. A modified 154-10 and just
perfect for a pair of 3CX800A7's, etc. Price is $50 shipped.
Also have a a number of used National NCL-2000 dual section caps; 8-85
and 12-165pf at .0625" spacing. They hold up fine at 2500VDC and are $30
73 Carl KM1H
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