[AMPS] QRO HF-2000

William Gode wiley@interaccess.com
Fri, 24 Apr 1998 09:50:41 -0500

>Pardon my ignorance, but from my limited knowledge of thermodynamics, 
>moving air provides cooling, static air does not.  So just because there 
>is pressure and "some" moving air, that doesn't seem to necessarily cool 
>it.  Direct air flow over a tube is a far better cooling solution than 
>just air flow in an entire cabinet.
>I would definitely add additional cooling fans to this unit if it was in 
>my shack.


If it *were* in your shack, you would know how cool it actually runs and
would not have to hypothesize in the area of thermodynamics.  I have
access to a "Vaneometer" made by Dwyer Instruments, which measures air
velocity in Ft./Min.  When placed above each tube, outside the cabinet, 
the relative air flow is nearly equal, irrespective of the internal fan 

We now leave the pragmatic world and return the reflector to normal use.  


Bill, W9NHQ

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