[AMPS] 3-500Z

Friedhelm Lüdtke Friedhelm.Luedtke@t-online.de
Sun, 26 Apr 1998 09:24:59 +0100

Can somebody send or say me the data of the tube 2x3-500Zand 
4CX1000A where I can find them in the network?  
Thank you very much.


Friedhelm Luedtke       Tel.    : +49 (0) 3576207833
K.-Liebknecht-Str.38    Fax.    : +49 (0) 3576207834
D-02943 Weisswasser     eMail   : Friedhelm.Luedtke@t-online.de
Germany                 Internet: http://Luedtke.home.ml.org

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