[AMPS] qro 2500dx

Bill Cotter bcotter@pop.uky.edu
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 10:20:02 -0400


I highly recommend doing business with Ray, KB8VU at QRO
Technologies, Inc. My experiences with him on the purchase of a QRO
HF-2000 amplifier have been positive and gratifying. I find it a
pleasure to reach a technical voice on the phone and to do business
directly with the principal of a company. In my dealings with QRO,
Ray was very responsive to my problems and did exactly as he said
he would. This is the kind of service that Ten Tec owners have come
to know.

73 Bill N4ALG


At 06:57 PM 4/22/98 -0400, you wrote:
>thanks for reading this msg.	
>the qro 2500dx is an amp i`am considering purchasing in the near
future. if
>you own one, please take the time to respond to a few questions.
>1. how is there customer service ?
>2. accrucy of the manual ?
>3. quality of construction ?
>4. overall design ?
>5. tune-up and operation ?
>6. on the air reports ?
> thanks for any info in advance. 
>73, ed n4ek
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|                                                                  |
| Bill Cotter, Manager of R&D          Mail:   bcotter@pop.uky.edu |
| Communications and Network Systems   Pager:  (606) 259-6082      |
| Parking Structure 2, Room-4, 0198    Phone:  (606) 323-6474      |
| University of Kentucky               FAX:    (606) 257-9400      |
| Lexington, KY 40506-0198             Home:   (606) 887-5563,2402 |

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ampfaq.html
Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com
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