[AMPS] Vacuum Relays for Sale...anyone want 'em?

Jon Ogden jono@webspun.com
Tue, 28 Apr 98 22:51:26 -0500

Howdy all,

I have 2 Eimac VS-5 vacuum relays that I would be willing to sell to 
whoever wants them.

These are really old I believe and look like they can handle a LOT of 
power.  They operate on +12 V DC.  However, their performance begins to 
degrade a bit above about 15 MHz.  They work great on 20, pretty good on 
15, but not so good on 10 M.  On 10 M they look like they are about 100 
Ohms with a bit of inductive reactance.  They also have an insertion loss 
on 10 M of about 0.3 dB.

I have network analyzer plots on both relays from about 100 KHz to 100 

I don't know how much these are worth. I pulled them from my amp and am 
replacing them with newer relays.  Other than the high frequency 
performance, these things work really, really well (they might be a 
little slower than more modern relays though).  If you are building a 160 
or 80 meter amp and would like to switch a lot of power these would do it.

Any takers?



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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