[AMPS] Henry Roller Inductors/Amps
Jim Reid
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 18:42:17 -1000
>I used to like roller cranks in my race cars also.
>73 Carl KM1H
Very interesting evening of discussion! I had a 1955 Porsche with
a roller bearing crank. Operated beautifully! But you don't want to
know anything about the repair costs, hi. I was quite young then,
and what the heck!
I have a Henry Ultra on order. Will be delivered out here shortly
after New Year, if all goes well. Will have vacuum relays
for QSK, and some other goodies. I have sold my 87A; it
is a great amp. But here in the tropics, day after day, it is
too noisy, with the add on fan, and builds up the shack
temp too high, as it sat right here beside me on the op
Air conditioning out here is not used. We don't
like air conditioned air; we are here to breath fresh
trade wind air, which here arrives only after crossing
absolutely thousands of miles of clear ocean from
our North-West!! We also have no heat in our homes.
So the Ultra Henry will live in the adjoining room, with
its fan sound; heat generation, etc., not here next
to me on the operating room. Carl agreed just a couple
of days ago, that therefore the Henry Ultra was probably
a good choice for me!! I asked specifically what I should
have to worry about since I had a Henry on order. Carl
did not respond to that question. So, I assume all is well,
and I have nothing about which to be concerned!! I respect
Carl immensely; that is why I asked him specifically if I had
made a mistake in ordering the Henry.
Possibly Dan can have Ted Henry himself respond to some of
the drastic accusations about poor power xformers, cheap
parts, lousy metal work, rattling cabinets, etc. respond, as
some of you have done a great job of attempting to trash a
product which has over 30 years history, and a pretty large
customer base as a result. KH7R, the Pacific Contesting
Super Station, has a room full of Henry's. Used many of
them this past weekend for hours without break; and has
used them in many contests over the years. All worked
well, and have worked well consistently for the 48 hour
contest. Bet they will post pretty impressive score also,
from this past weekends CQWW CW test!! About
29,000,000 was made over there on Oahu with
the help of many Henry's in the CQWW SSB test
a few weeks ago!!
After returning from a visit to KH7R in mid October, I
placed my order for a Henry Ultra with Dan. Not sorry
to this hour!
I think probably most of the venom here is for Dan and his assertive
marketing and sales manner; so what, he will probably do very
well! He knows his customer base, and he believes in the product
he is representing.
However, I worked for years in the electronic microwave industry
in marketing and sales. It is not an easy life, and those who succeed
didn't because they were timid-- Ross Perot, Bill Gates, David Packard,
etc. You had better believe in the product you represent, and you had
better have a bunch of customers you can use as referrals! And I
personally have received a lot of email from Henry owners--
not one wished he had not bought the Henry product.
73. Jim, KH7M
On the Garden Island of Kauai
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