[AMPS] AM-6155/54

Arthur Moe kb7ww@chatusa.com
Thu, 03 Dec 1998 15:41:28 -0800

Shane and all,

I have aquired a small quanity of these Amps, and when I figuer out
how many I want for myself, I will make the rest available.


Shane KI4M/KV4I wrote:
>         Does anyone on the list know of a source of the VHF cavity for the
> AM-6154/55 line of amps. I am in the process of purchasing a 6155 with the
> UHF cavity so I would like to have a VHF cavity to just plug in when I wish
> to operate 2M. If you have one price etc. please. Thanks to the group. Also
> Fair Radio has just gotten a new shipment of 6155's and other various
> goodies in. They are in the process of inventorying it all and doing checks
> etc. However they don't have any AM-6154's only 55's.
> 73's de
> Shane KI4M
> shane@icu2.net <mailto:shane@icu2.net>
> cbrcrazy@geocities.com <mailto:cbrcrazy@geocities.com>
> --
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