[AMPS] Henry Who? (Down Under)

Zdzislaw R Sawicki ab2et@juno.com
Sun, 6 Dec 1998 03:31:46 -0500

Goodness Gracious Graham,
Things must be "slow" down under when you classify "radiodans" writings
as informative.
I am glad that you at least mention the GLARING fact that most of his
scribbling ARE and most likely will be "ADVERTISING" and very BLATANT at

I do not know how life is down under but in the States we are SWAMPED
with more and more SPAM MAIL and as far as I am concerned all of the
scribbling of "radiodan" in any shape or form brings no "VALUE" or
"SERVICE" (except to his own pocket) to the AMPS@CONTESTING.COM

I am hard pressed to find any message that was post by "radiodan" that
added any TRUE VALUE and JUST barely any relevance to the TOPIC of
AMPLIFIERS (and I do not include the SALE of as relevant).

IT IS BLATANT ADVERTISING and thus can be considered a form of

Quite true other "vendor" representatives do reply in this forum BUT they
are not BLATANT ADVERTISING SPAMERS and DO ADD  Value to owners of the
respective equipment by providing informative and detailed technical
information and solutions to existing problems.  

The ONLY thing that "radiodan" provides the LIST is a  constant
"pedaling" drivel about  NEW and MORE NEW Henry "Swamby" Amps.

Its a shame that we have to put up with such BLATANT COMMERCIAL
ADVERTISING in our HOBBY, and YES DAN this is just a hobby to me and NOT

To bad that my Juno software is not Abel to selectively FILTER out
"RADIODAN the RF SPAM Man" and still receive the AMP List.

Have a better and Less Commercialized Tomorrow.
and most of all "Have Radio Fun"

Oh and by the way "Cheers"

 (__)         AB2ET
"I bet two extra terrestrials"
On Thu, 3 Dec 1998 15:31:29 +1100 "Graham Jones" <g.jones@bom.gov.au>
>If it hadn't been for Dan's "advertising" on this medium, I would 
>have known about the 4CX250B's he has. Quite frankly I appreciate the
>service he and other vendors provide us, provided it is relevant to 
>Graham W Jones (VK3BKG)
>> From: Zdzislaw R Sawicki <ab2et@juno.com>
>> To: km1h@juno.com
>> Cc: amps@contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [AMPS] Henry  Who?
>> Date: Thursday, December 03, 1998 2:23 PM
>> Yes, "Dan the RF Man" is obnoxious, but then again most 
>> Salesman are! :-) 
>> All of this Henry "Smamby" is beginning to look and sound like some 
>> of 2:00AM cheap "Info-Mercial, if ANYONE so much as mentions the 
>word AMP
>> out pops "Dan the RF Man" plugging them "Smamby" Amps.
>> And if Dan was selling ... .... .. - then it most likely it to will 
>> the best, "Most Rugged, Reliable" ... .... .. - in the whole 
>world.... Hi
>> Hi
>> I just wonder if we can find some way to get "Dan the RF Man" to 
>> for all of this free publicity and exposure that he gets in this 
>> I DO NOT appriciate or find "Dan the RF Man" and HIS Assertive 
>> and Sales Manner; Queint or Excusabel... 
>> And do we really have to be subjected to messages  from a paid 
>> for Henry, BTW don't most real Manufacturers have Advertising 
>> or is this some form of Cyber Brainwashing, or is it some "cheap" 
>> 73's
>> Have a better and less commercialized tomorrow.
>> and most of all "Have Radio Fun"
>> Steve 
>>   oo       
>>  (__)         AB2ET
>> "I bet two extra terrestrials"

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