[AMPS] Tank coils and vector impedance meters

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sun, 6 Dec 1998 11:03:41 -0500

On Sat, 05 Dec 1998 11:33:11 -0600 Dave <dhaupt@bewellnet.com> writes:
Fortunately, most instruments which are labelled "vector impedance
>meter" are not based on directional couplers and ratio measurements.
>The HP 4815A, available sometimes surplus, although I have yet to 
>one for a pleasant price, actually has both a voltage and current
>sensing transformer in the probe head.  That is how most such 
>measuring instruments worked until the early 1980s when they switched 
>an auto-balancing bridge configuration.  In either case, a true
>impedance meter can provide accurate results over a wide range of

I have a 4815A here but no sampling head. Any one have ANY info on
building one from scratch? I dont really need accuracy above 30MHz. 

Tnx  Carl  KM1H
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