[AMPS] Tank coils and vector impedance meters

Doug Hall kf4kl@ipass.net
Mon, 07 Dec 1998 00:52:09 GMT

On Sun, 6 Dec 1998 11:03:41 -0500, km1h@juno.com wrote:

>I have a 4815A here but no sampling head. Any one have ANY info on
>building one from scratch? I dont really need accuracy above 30MHz. 
>Tnx  Carl  KM1H

Unfortunately the probes for the HP 4815A are extremely hard to come
by. No schematics were ever available from HP as far as I know. At one
time HP would rebuild one if you sent it to them, but they didn't sell
them. I don't know if they still offer this service. 4815A's go dirt
cheap without probes 'cause they're useless without them.

A friend of mine tried to reverse engineer a probe some years back but
was unsuccessful. I'm sure there would be a lot of people (myself
included) who would like to know how to build and/or repair one.

Doug, KF4KL

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