[AMPS] setting up the alc

henry gillow-wiles henry@pacinfo.com
Mon, 07 Dec 1998 22:22:00 -0800

I got the Alpha 89 back from Alpha/Power and it runs great. Full power and
smooth operation. I now have a problem that is, I'm sure, due to the loose
nut behind the wheel.

It seems touchy about over driving. I have a hard time getting a good
balance of drive and rf output. Too little drive and low output, too much
and fault happens. 

How do I adjust the drive, rf output and alc to get full output on all
bands w/o generating a fault condition.

I'm using a FT-1000D. As an additional bit of information, the FT seems to
have a bit of rf overshoot. When it keys up, the output bounces up a bit
higher than the set point, i.e. if I set the PO to about 50 watts, the
meter reads 65 watts for a split second when the radio is keyed up. Does
this have an effect on the rf output, drive, or alc setting?

Help, Ive gone from an old Henry 2KD, (it didn't care what went into the
input connector) to this marvel of modern technology.




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