[AMPS] Henry 8K at 1500 watts Out -- Warning Long

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 08:37:50 -0800

>	Dan says:
>	> normally load "heavy" to reduce grid current after full output tune. Power
>	>out suffers only 25-50 watts.
>	>This must be where the improved IMD comes from.
>If you are winding down the drive to get down to the legal limit, the
>improvement in IMD because of less swing dominates. 

indeed.  For a tetrode with handles amplifier, backing down the mic. gain 
puts the amplifier in ultralinear Class A operation.  If you don't need 
full suds to communicate, it's the right thing to do.  However, if anal 
retentive / anal expulsive jammer-guys show up,  you can pump it up.  

>Underrunning a big amp
>in this way should help reliability, life (tube and other parts) and IMD.
>What the marketeers call 'a win-win situation'.
In my opinion, it's tempest in a teapot.  Does it really matter if one's 
signal strength decreases or increases by one S-Unit as long as one is 
not interfering with a neighbor who is trying to phone 911?  
-  Buying a too-large amplifier and throttling it back is like buying a 
new Porche 911 and blocking off the air inlet so as to limit the top 
speed to 55-mph instead of 174-mph.  I think I'm gonna puke.  
-  cheers, Pete


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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