[AMPS] Grid protection circuit 8877

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sun, 13 Dec 1998 13:28:23 -0500

I thought you were going to send an SASE for the DTR-2000L manual. It
would have contained all the mods that were mentioned here last week by
the person that originally did them.

And yes, you do really want a grid meter.

73  Carl  KM1H


On Sun, 13 Dec 1998 10:51:43 -0500 NI4L <ni4l@bellsouth.net> writes:
>I've searched the net and cant seem to find a grid protection circuit 
>can incorprate in the Dentron 2000L. It doesnt have a meter not 
>interested in that as much as some thing that will shut it down if
>excess drive or grid gets to high.
>Thank you to everyone that has helped so far on this project have the
>tank circuit in and it looks good. also thank you Mr. Smith for the
>paper work you sent me.
>Chris 73s
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