Fw: [AMPS] tuning capacitor & insulator

John Fielding johnf@futurenet.co.za
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 08:51:08 +0200

Please explain why varying the VSWR on the driver "causes grief"?

John	ZS5JF

> From: Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
> To: John Fielding <johnf@futurenet.co.za>; Amps Contesting
> Subject: Re: Fw: [AMPS] tuning capacitor & insulator
> Date: 18 December 1998 06:56
> >
> >Eimac short form catalog gives typical operation in AB1 as 300W o/p with
> >2000Va and 400Vg2.  Seems to me (and I have used a lot of 4CX250 types)
> >that 600W from a pair is all you can really expect and maintain
> >Of course if linear operation is not required - eg for CW - then the
> >can be driven harder, more towards Class C, and then you can expect a
> >little more out.  But the maximum grid dissipation is only 2 Watts so
> >could be a bit risky!
> >
> True enough, John, however when the grid is driven from zero grid current

> in AB1 to substantial grid current in Class C, input SWR rises abruptly -

> and that causes grief for the radio that is used to drive the amplifier. 

> Compared to Class C, Class AB1 costs one about 1/5 of one "S" unit on the

> "S" meter.  In my mind the bottom-line is that Class C has too many 
> trade-offs.  .  If one needs more suds, 'tis better to use a larger tube 
> in AB1 than to beat up a less-capable tube in Class C.  
> -  later, John
> Rich...
> R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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