[AMPS] tuning capacitor & insulator
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 12:49:04 -0500
On Sat, 19 Dec 1998 07:47:30 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>>Since you believe what is published Rich ( when it is convenient )
>>come you cant agree with published Eimac results?
>€ Eimac said that linearity improved when the anode supply voltage
>decreased from 2000v to 1500v?
Yes, thats what several of us have said the past few days.... Its right
in the full spec sheet.
>>I also tend to disbelieve claims that I can not verify with HP
>>test equipment. You make a lot of claims that I can not verify here
>>a similar amp.
>>The consensus from several continents appears to agree that the
>>7580/4CX250R is dirty at higher Ep. Why do you always want to play
>>games and ignore some basic facts supported by measurements?
>€ When alleged measurements do not agree with what one sees on the
>constant-current curves, my guess it is that problem is not in Eimac's
> - Have you tested a 4cx250R with 400v on the screen and 2000v on the
YES, in a RIW/ARCOS 2M amp and also with Svetlana 4CX400A's. I will also
have a Johnson 6n2 Thunderbolt in here next month that has 250R's
installed. I will be upgrading to Ian's screen supply and adapting to
4CX400A's. I can run tests with 250B's, 250R's, 400A's before, after
with any variety.
>>Please, dont repeat the old canned drivel...try something new for a
>>change. You are beginning to sound like ur old buddy ...
>€ If you are speaking about Mr. Rauch, he seemed to get moderately
>perturbed by the information I obtained from Eimac's constant-current
>curves when he was trying to convince us that high-Mu triodes could be
>successfully operated as linear amplifiers in Class AB1/grid-driven
>- later, Carl
C'est la vie Rich.
73 Carl KM1H
>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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