Fw: [AMPS] Anode load line calculations.

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 20 Dec 1998 03:41:55 -0800

>In response to various comments made on my original posting.
>I think that some hams misunderstand the basic principles of of rf
>The load impedance of a tube is defined by the anode voltage and the output
>power and is calculated using the formula:  (assuming that 80% of the dc
>supply is available to develop the rf voltage swing, which is pretty close
>to what happens in practice)
>RL = (0.57 x Va2)
>       -------------------
>            Po
>Taking an amplifier with, say, 2kV anode supply and an ouput power of 100W
>gives RL as 22800 ohms.

>Using the same anode voltage but now running 1kW output the tube load line
>(RL) is 2758 ohms.
>Obviously the Pi tank network will not be able to provide matching at both
>of these load impedances without some drastic changes to the L & C's.
>This is an over simplified example .......

€  This presumes that the anode's voltage swing at 100w output in the 
1000w amplifier is approx. 80% of the supply potential, which is 
undoubtedly not the case.  It seems to me that RL at any power level is 
closely related to dV/dI
-  later, John


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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