[AMPS] FT-240-61 core, where from ?
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 11:28:14 -0500
On Wed, 23 Dec 1998 12:07:20 -0000 Fraser Robertson
<F.G.Robertson@open.ac.uk> writes:
>I'm looking for a UK source of these, or a suitable equivalent.
>Ferromagnetics (GW3TMP) no longer import them.
>I want them to make 50/75 Ohm 2-30MHz QRO transformers. (The design
>is from
>the 1988 ARRL handbook).
Why on earth do that? Any rig or amp worth using will load directly into
75 Ohms with no problem. Not all the world has 50 Ohms as a standard and
the mfg designs for the variations.
I use 75 Ohm cable here 160M thru 1296 Mhz and it works just great
without any intermediate matching.
On another note that ARRL design has come under scrutiny by others and
failed quite badly when examined by a network analyzer.
73 Carl KM1H
>Sorry for being a bit off topic but I thought this would be a good
>place to
>Thanks / 73, Fraser G4BJM
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