[AMPS] painting 19 inch rack panels
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 22:39:41 -0500
As with any raw metal, if you want a !st class job youll have to prime it first
use a flat enamel spray will do just fine. use a color to prime with that is
close to the color you will use as a finish coat. after the prime coat ligthly
sand with 600 grit sand paper. then wash with menerial sprits .Let dry 1/2 hour
or so then it is time for the finish coat.REMEMBER Light coats 8"-10" away from
your panel will produce a good job you might end up putting 4 0r 5 coats. If you
by chance get a run Dont wipe it off let it DRY then take the 600 grit paper and
lightly sand it out. If you take you time and use multiple coats you will have a
job youll be proud of.
Chris NI4L
zeitler@ibm.net wrote:
> Reflectees,
> I have some new 19 inch rack panels that are in need of paint. They have
> never had any paint or primer. They are shiney metal. These are all aluminum
> except for one. Is there a spray on product that will stick or do I HAVE to
> prime them first?? I would prefer to just get a spray can of the right
> "stuff" and do it all in one evolution.
> Lane Zeitler
> KM3G
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