[AMPS] Re: 75 ohm cable

W8AV@aol.com W8AV@aol.com
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 07:28:36 EST

In a message dated 12/23/98 5:56:00 PM EST, km1h@juno.com writes:

<< >I
 >have not because I read or heard that it wasn't the 75 to 50 ohm
 >transition that caused problems, but that the connectors where the

Carl and Reflectees,
	For the HF bands, I have used a UHF barrel connector which fits perfectly in
the center conductor of 3/4" hardline.  For VHF you could substitute a
UHF(female) -N(male) adaptor which should do the trick also.  I simply slot
the outer to the desired depth in four places, dig out the polyethylene
dielectric, install the barrel/adaptor, and secure with a small stainless
steel hose clamp.  It's a cheap adaptor that works well.  Be sure to use
Cramolin or Penetrox between the inside of the outer and the connector to
prevent dissimilar metal oxidation between the aluminum and the connector
material.  Apply a liberal abount of tape to the outside of the hardline in
the connector area and voila, a cheap hardline connector.

73................de Goose, W8AV

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