[AMPS] I.C.E. filters - reply to Carl

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 14:14:32 -0500

On Thu, 24 Dec 1998 08:45:51 "Phil T. (VE3OZZ)" <phil@vaxxine.com>
>>>the filters. Marv sited high insertion loss at 29 MHZ amongst other 
>>Hmmmm.  I mentioned experiences that Marv then commented on, guess 
>>forgot me...
>>Let me repeat that after a very early problem I have been 100% happy 
>>ICE products 
>>73  Carl  KM1H
>I think you're right Carl.  I think I got 7 e-mails about ICE 
>Rather than recite all comments in those e-mails, I chose to just
>"summarise" the general gist of them in this most recent post. Marv 
>and I
>were back and forth a few times about this subject 'off-line',  so 
>comments ended-up sticking with me.   Now I must admit that I did 
>that you had stated that you were happy with more recent ICE 
>apologies.  I'm perhaps a good example of what happens when an issue 
>this comes up - after some time passes, I remember all the NEGATIVE 
>quite well.
>The only reason I followed this up is to get a more complete picture 
>of the
>issue.  The ICE units appear to be robust well made units, and they 
>are a
>reasonable price. It would be a shame to overlook using a product 
>of negative impressions that aren't fully justified.

Sounds good to me Phil. Have a Merry Christmas.

73  Carl  KM1H

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