[AMPS] Grove Farm Plantation Office Info

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Fri, 25 Dec 1998 12:55:19 -1000


A few days ago I was asked by someone on here to post info
on leasing plantation lands for horses here on Kauai.  I have
evidently deleted the particular piece,  so apology for
bandwidth in hopes that the interested person,  in Pa.
as I recall,  will see the info.

Grove  Farm  Company Inc.
Puhi Rural Branch
P.O.Box 2069
Lihue,  Hawaii 

Attn:  Alison Moriguchi,  Asst. Property Mngr.

Phone:  1-808-245-3678, Ext. 8

FAX  1-808-246-9470

Hope this is seen by the correct person.

73,  Jim,  KH7M

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