[AMPS] restoring/replating
John Fielding
Mon, 28 Dec 1998 09:11:21 +0200
Correct - I used to work for Wingrove and Rogers in the UK, the leading
tuning capacitor manufacturer (eventually went bust and bought by
Jacksons). I learnt from their industrial chemist that decorative (shiny)
silver plating is bad for rf. They used a special matt silver plating
process. The plating baths ran some fairly hefty currents but at a low
voltage, can't remember the details now. The base coat was pure copper
onto the brass parts.
I was once told that soft solder used to fasten the parts together produced
a black line on the surface when silver plating was applied on top of it.
The base coat of copper stops this.
John ZS5JF
| I've learned from this guy that a "matt" finish is far superior to a
| "mirror" finish for rf work - apparently better conductivity and
| and the film is thicker which is important for rf. Mirror finish is good
| cosmetically, but not AS good as matt finish for rf. I recently looked
| inside an AL-1200 and saw that the tank L had a matt finish.
| Phil
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