[AMPS] Plate Choke

Vic Rosenthal rakefet@rakefet.com
Mon, 28 Dec 1998 08:02:14 -0800

Pete Raymond wrote:
> I have a plate choke that  has 104 turns on what I believe is a
> porcelain form 1"X 3 1/4" .  I shorted the ends and checked it with my
> grid dipper.  I found two nice dips one at 20.9mhz and another at 27.8.
> Although they are both outside the bands are they too close.

I recently went through a big 'fix-the-choke' project.  I found that the
resonant points with the choke installed in the amplifier were significantly
different than they were with the choke on the bench.  I ultimately bought an
Ameritron AL80B choke for my single 3-500z amplifier, and it has worked fine on
all bands 160-10, including WARC.  I did not have much luck with various
homemade chokes -- once I got it big enough for 160, I kept having problems on
one of the higher bands.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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