[AMPS] restoring/replating

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Mon, 28 Dec 1998 11:26:25 -0500

On Sun, 27 Dec 1998 22:24:30 "Phil T. (VE3OZZ)" <phil@vaxxine.com>
>>Good info Dick but possibly regional in availability. I have been 
>>Tarn-X for several years now but Wal-Mart is the only place within 
>>20 miles of here that carries it. The instructions say not to dip 
>>into the solution but I find that sometimes is the only way that 
>works. I
>>pour some into a small plastic container  and use an old toothbrush 
>to do
>>the cleaning. You can reuse the solution several times if you filter 
>>a paper towl or coffee filter but eventually it has to be thrown 
>>For polish, I use BLITZ brand Silver Care with tarnish retardant also 
>>Wal-Mart but only $2.97 for 8oz.
>>Does that Silversmith stuff really work for RF use? I've no personal
>>experience with plating but have read several posts elsewhere over 
>>years that real electroplating is the only proper procedure.
>>Which brings up another question.  I am considering building a basic
>>electroplater for silver. Do I need pure silver or can I use plated 
>>for the source? If I cant use plated scrap, what is required to 
>>the silver from the copper or whatever? Any books to check out of 
>>73  Carl KM1H
>Carl, you don't need pure silver. The most common electroplating 
>for silver plating is silver cyanide. Cyanide gas is evolved during 
>electroplating process so it should be done in the garage with the 
>open, or on the deck or patio or whatever.  If you use a pure silver
>electrode, you still need potassium cyanide for the electrolyte.  
>Might as
>well buy the silver cyanide solution already made up.

That makes sense Phil. I have a bunch of old silver plated stuff that I
was hoping had some use in an electroplating project.
>I have a friend who is head of the electronics lab at a local 
>They have an electroplating kit they use for for plating rf parts and
>connectors with gold and silver.

Ask him why the silver plated parts cant be used in the potassium cyanide
or how would I strip and convert to silver cyanide.  What to the precious
metal salvagers use?

Not that I cant go and buy the right stuff but this would be an
interesting learning experience.....outdoors of course!

 He's offered to loan it to me but I
>haven't taken him up on it yet.  Why don't I borrow this thing and 
>solutions and get all the particulars (voltage, current, time, 
>souces etc).  I'll pass the info along and maybe save you some time.

Possibly many of us Phil.

73  Carl  KM1H

>I've learned from this guy that a "matt" finish is far superior to a
>"mirror" finish for rf work - apparently better conductivity and 
>and the film is thicker which is important for rf.  Mirror finish is 
>cosmetically, but not AS good as matt finish for rf. I recently 
>inside an AL-1200 and saw that the tank L had a matt finish.
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