[AMPS] SB-220 Problems

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Wed, 30 Dec 1998 16:22:06 -0500

On Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:46:38 -0500 "Walter Fairclough"
<wfairclo@netcom.ca> writes:
>Thanks for all the input fellas. Yep, plate current meter gone. Anyone 
>than Harbach have one? Sounds like the ones from Harbach require some 
>work and if I'm correct they are not an exact cosmetic match.

Not even close. Electrical match is all.
Heath used the same meter across several products, SB-200 and HM-102 are
two that come to mind.

>I will perform some of the mods that were suggested and I'll let the 
>know what results I've achieved.

Some could bite you where you dont want !

73  Carl  KM1H

>Thanks again.
>Walter - VE3EN
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