[AMPS] HV filter capacitors

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 4 Feb 98 17:04:53 -0800

>Rich, AG6K, writes:
>>Even if the capacitor is designed for flash discharge service instead of 
>>dc filter service, with a 4500 peak-v rating, it should work well at 
>>2500v in dc filter service.    
>Is there a handy rule of thumb as to how much to derate an
>energy-storage capacitor when one wishes to use it in dc filter
>I understand that the energy-storage types (flash-
>discharge) are designed for ultra-low internal resistance, so
>that they can dump their accumulated joules in a hurry.  
The ESR of  flash-caps appears to be higher due to use of thinner plate 
material - which allows the designer to pack in more C - and more Joules 
-  per unit of volume.
>I understand, too, that this makes these caps. less than ideal
>for HV power supplies.  
They seem to work acceptably in filter service with the 60% derating 
>But I'm a ham.  How far ought I to push the envelope with my
>energy-storage caps?  Mine are big guys.  Do I need to mount
>them in an explosion-proof cabinet to be on the safe side?  :-)
- When they fail they typically short without fanfare.  Sometimes a case 
seam cracks and there is a bit of oil leakage.  
cheers, Bob

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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