[AMPS] Roller Inductor for HF tetrode amplifier grid circuits:

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 8 Jan 98 10:47:36 -0800

-  Fair Radio Sales 419-227-6573, reportedly has a supply of the 5uH 
roller inductor used in the Collins 180T antenna tuner.  This compact 
inductor is ideal for 20+db amplifier grid circuits.  The only needed 
mods are to remove the shaft coupling and a dab of silicone rubber 
adhesive/sealant at the max. L end of the coil in order to insulate the 
roller from the coil for operation below c. 6MHz, in that position.  

A simplified grid circuit diagram, with explanation, is available at:

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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