[AMPS] High Potential Tester (high-pot) Components
Rich Measures
Sun, 18 Jan 98 15:49:13 -0800
>On Sun, 18 Jan 98 07:25:19 -0800, Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>>Transformers: 6000vrms 120v/240v, $20, All Electronics, 1-800
>>826-5432 . {Makes about 17kV DC in fullwave v-doubler circuit }
>I bought one of these from All Electronics, but could only get about 5
>kvdc from it using a half-wave rectifier. Should have been about
>8-9kvdc. Did you actually build a circuit using one or are you
>stating what one theoretically should get?
I had a transformer here, but I sold it to a fellow who needed a high-pot
tester.. However, a friend who has one measured the secondary v at c.
600v with 12v on the 120v primary. Are you sure you are not putting the
120v on the 240v primary tap? If the measured ohms across the line cord
plug is 18 ohms, you are wired for the 240v tap. The 120v tap is a
center tap on the winding.
- Also, operating the transformer in a half wave circuit. can cause a
nasty spike when current stops flowing suddenly in the primary. The fix
is a 120 MOV across the the 120v taps on the primary - or add another C
and 20kpiv rectifier and turn it into a full wave v doubler, which would
then allow you to test 10kV and 15kV vacuum variable capacitors.
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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