[AMPS] QRO Parts for sale

Jordan Arndt jordana@nucleus.com
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 21:50:09 -0800

I have the following RF pars available for sale :

1) B&W FC-15 15Amp Filament choke
2) Johnson type 237 Ceramic sockets (2)
3) 1 Variable cap with 7/32" spacing between stator plates 15-160pf
   only designation is #87446
4)Plate coil ass'y Silvered with 1/2" ribbon to 3/16 tubing to 1/8" wire 
  Model 850A coil is 3 3/4 " OD
5) 1 Cardwell 4000pf tri-section variable close spaced rails are broken
in one place on each side but easily repairable 
6) 1 National Plate choke 7 section with chrome? support stand and   
Ceramic stand-off
7) 1 Bendix Model 3926 Glass Vacuum RF Relay with stand-offs
8) 1 ICA Model 2601 5 pin keyed Ceramic socket
9) 2 872A Mercury Vapor Rectifiers with locking sockets good for 5000ma

Thats it as far as the RF parts go...  If Interesed in any or all make a
reasonable offer... 73 de Jordan VE2SWL/VE6...

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