[AMPS] Homemade HV connectors
Dave Kirkby
Thu, 29 Jan 1998 17:45:59 +0000
yo3ctk wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I would like to tap your collective wisdom: how to manufacture at home
> a
> pair of HV connectors ? Industrial connectors would be expensive and
> hard to find here in YO-land. Any ideas ? Could regular UHF or N
> connectors do the job ? (I have seen such things in ARRL Handbook -
> for
> 4kV no less). If yes (which I doubt), what kind of wire should be used
> ?
> And how should I assemble the plug ? So many questions...:-)
I would certainly not used N's, PL259's or anything similar. The risk of
plugging your homemade connector with 4 kV into some preamp or rig is
too great. There is serious risk to yourself and your equipment. The
other problem with these sorts of connectors is that accidentally
touching a live connector can be dangerous - they would be very
dangerous unmated. Propor connector for HV are safe to touch even when
I know of several industrial plugs that will do for high voltages. PET
100's are okay to 3 kV but no more. MHV and SHV are both okay to 5 kV.
Both are safe to hold in the hand while live. SHV are my favorite, but
are less readily available than MHV. Huber and Shuner sell both MHV and
SHV - one type is also known as H4, but I cant recall if its the SHV or
MHV, although I think its the MHV. Huber and Shuner will take credit
card orders or personal cheques- I'll dig out the fax number if you
The other problem with all these plugs is that they *must* be wired
properly. I recall looking over someone else's amps that kept blowing
HT fuses, but showed no signs of arcing anywhere. At first we thought
the tubes were arcing internally, but by a process of deduction we found
the cable between the amp and psu to be the problem. The PET 100
connectors were wired badly, so arc internally at the 3 kV, but looed
fine from the outside. Your really must get the instructions on wiring
whatever plugs you use. Shuner will fax them for the MHV and SHV, but if
if the worst comes to the worst, I could do likewise.
I'm all in agreement with trying to save money, but you have to draw the
line somewhere...
Dave Kirkby G8WRB
Department of Medical Physics,
University College London,
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