[AMPS] Single supply -Multi-amo help

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 29 Jan 98 16:15:31 -0800

>> Subject:       Re: [AMPS] Single supply -Multi-amo help
>hi rich, jordan, et al.
>> >> Are these amplifiers going to be in simultaneous use?
>great question!
>> >No they would be run one at a time ... 
>great answer.
>> Then one supply would do.  
>> >I see a ckt in QST where they
>> >just remove the screen voltage to  the unused amps...
>> .  When the normal cutoff bias is applied to the grid, the tubes draw no 
>> current.  The presence or absence of screen voltage matters not.  
>it's best to "remove" the screen voltage by grounding (or returning 
>to ground through a low-value resistor) the screen.  that is, don't 
>let it just "float" because it might wander up near anode potential, 
>and take out the screen bypass capacitor.  

Wandering is not likely if the screen is fed from a shunt zener-string 
regulator, biased through a suitable power resistor connected to the 
anode supply.  When zeners fail they short.  For 4cx250Bs, a shunt screen 
regulator looks like a good solution.  To adjust screen potential, 
progressively short/unshort individual zeners with a rotary switch.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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