[AMPS] Astron RS-35M Problem
Rich Measures
Sat, 31 Jan 98 07:27:42 -0800
>I shorted my ground braid to 120 VAC and since have had a problem with my
>Astron RS-35M supply.
>DC regulation and all DC values look OK. The supply has a ripple that gets
>worse with load. I have replaced the 723 chip and substituted most caps out
>including the main filter caps.
I would connect a DC oscilloscope across the filter capacitor. If the
minimum DC voltage seen on the 'scope is less than 3v more than the
desired output voltage, there may not enough raw DC to do the job. If
you have trouble with RFI getting to the supply, some anti-RF techniques
for the 723 are shown on Figure 8 on my Web site.
cheers, Ron
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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