[AMPS] [Fwd: Re: [Mobile/Portable] Review: SGC PowerCube]

Gerry Smith w6ter@worldnet.att.net
Wed, 01 Jul 1998 03:13:04 -0400

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Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 20:28:43 -0500
To: w6ter@worldnet.att.net
From: Dave Jenkins <djenkins@phoenix.net>
Subject: Re: [Mobile/Portable] Review: SGC PowerCube
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At 03:50 PM 6/28/98 -0400, you wrote:
>This article is intended as a review of
>the SGC SmartPowerCube (SG-500) and
>dealing with personnel at SGC.

[snip, of a very good review of SGC and one of their products]

I would only add my few comments regarding dealing with SGC and the SGC
PowerClear.  I was drawn to the product for mobile use (this was before the
DSP was available for the Icom 706 MK-II) and so I plunged.  From the
first, I had problems using the device in CW mode -- in particular, if you
connect a key out line to the PowerClear, it wants to mute when you key
down, and hence you hear no sidetone.  (I don't know about you guys, but I
just can't send when I can't hear...)  If you *don't* connect the key out,
then the PowerClear delay is just long enough that I *still* can't send

To make a sad story short, I spent many, many frustrating hours either
waiting on the phone, or talking to people at SGC who a) had no interest in
helping me, and/or b) no real understanding of my problem.

I would NOT recommend purchase of any of their products, mainly because of
their lack of customer support and understanding.

My PowerClear is for sale - make an offer. 

Dave Jenkins

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