[AMPS] Why class B??

Lane C. Zeitler Lane C. Zeitler" <km3g@cts.com
Tue, 7 Jul 1998 07:26:40 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: James D. Duffer <jduffer@mnsinc.com>
To: Jon Ogden <jono@enteract.com>
Cc: AMPS@contesting.com <AMPS@contesting.com>
Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Why class B??

>Jon Ogden wrote:
>> >Class AB is roughly ten times cleaner than Class B.
>> True.  I'd agree.
>> >
>> >> Generally, class B is probably sufficient for SSB as
>> >>long as you don't overdrive it very hard.
>> >>
>> >Not if you expect to avoid being tarred and feathered at the next DX
>> >convention.
>> <giggle>  Yes, I guess you are right, Rich.  Splattering is not fun to be
>> accused of nor good to do!  There are people though who do run B on their
>> PAs.  Guess that's why I said "probably sufficient."  If you wish to run
>> class B just don't go to the convention! :-)
>....or operate CW only and go Class C.

What could one expect the efficiency to be??

Lane KM3G
>73 Jim  WD4AIR
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