[AMPS] Vacuum Cap Rating and Plate Voltage

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 15 Jul 98 00:52:58 -0800

>Hi again,
>Was just looking at my components some more on my amp.
>The tune C is a Jennings UCS vacuum cap rated at 10KV.  From my readings 
>on tube amps that I have been doing recently, I remember reading that one 
>must accept the fact that the AC voltage across the tune C can end up 
>being twice that of the plate voltage.
 Not if one uses a DC blocking capacitor.  When such an amplifier is 
tuned correctly the peak anode  swing is slightly less than the anode 
supply potential.  // The RF peak volt rating of a vacuum tuning cap. is 
60% of the DC rating.  

>I have been wanting to run the 4-1000A at a plate voltage of 6 KV.  After 
>reading what I have read though, I feel I may have a problem.  6 KV means 
>my AC swing could be as high as 12 KV which is above the rating of the 

>Are these caps conservatively rated?  Are the rated for peak voltages or 
>RMS voltages?  

peak 60Hz volts or DC volts.  

>Do I have a problem running a DC plate voltage of 6 KV and 
>using this cap or should I lower my voltage to less than 5 KV which is 
>something I really don't want to do as I'll lose some gain on the ole 

Provided that the vacuum cap. meets the DC voltage spec. of 10kV on a 
high-pot, tester, I would not hesitate to run 6kV.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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